Galkayo Education Center

Ifrah Farah (in black head scarf), 19, and her fellow class-mate Fadumo Ali 24, cooking food at the GECPD training center in Galkayo

Wide spread of unemployment and unskilled labour well caused by the prolonged instability in Somalia puts at stake many lives. The context itself endangers the future of Somali youths as it portrays no hope for many. Education-wise and skills-wise, the situation is in dire need for humanitarian assistance in-support of the two.

GECPD has remained consistent and on course in provision of livelihood earning skills through vocational skills training. The skills training are in response to the market demands and need of such skills in the community for easier service delivery and at the same time, act as a source of livelihood earning for the service providers.

Last year and with the funding of UNHCR, GECPD introduced Catering and Hospitality Management Course. The six-month course is practical-based with the desired output being fully trained and well skilled personnel to provide quality services that are currently missing in the growing hotel industry. The course among other aspects, introduces students to a variety of recipes of local and international taste. In admission, there are 30 IDP and host community unskilled girls and women taking the course at the GECPD centre.

Ifrah Farah Mohamed and Fadum Ali Ese are among those admitted for this course. The two are from Southern Somalia who have settled in Galkayo as IDPs who for so long have been helpless because of their status.

The course has taken over Fadumo, she is very excited of the cookery exposure and the adventure of recipes she has been introduced to. She admits that contrary o what she thought, she actually didn’t know how to cook.

“Now I can cook,” she pauses.

On her part, Ifrah is full hope,

“The Course has opened my life. It has given me hope. This is actually my future,” she happily says.

Seemingly, nothing can stop Ifrah and Fadumo from realizing the future that GECPD has curved for them.

Among other courses offered at GECPD are Tailoring and Garment Making, Carpentry and Joinery, welding and Metal Fabrication, Computer Studies and Beauty Therapy.

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