Galkayo Education Center

Promoting Girls' Education

At GECPD, we believe that education is the cornerstone of empowerment and societal progress. Our education development programs focus on three critical areas:

Promoting increased g Girls’ Enrollment and Retention rates in Formal Education Programs:

  • We run dedicated schools for girls, providing a safe and supportive learning environment.
  • Our programs address barriers to education such as early marriage, , gender stereotypes and cultural biases including management of the maturation process and menstruation.
  • We engage with communities to promote the value of girls’ education.

Promoting Non-Formal Education for Women and Girls:

  • We offer second-chance education opportunities for women who missed out on an earlier opportunity for formal schooling.
  • We offer Adult Literacy programs to impart functional literacy to women who missed an opportunity for education earlier in life.
  • Our curriculum combines basic literacy and numeracy with life skills and rights awareness.
  • Classes are flexible to mitigate the opportunity cost of the women and girls attending education programs.

Early Childhood Education (ECE):

  • We’ve established ECE centres to provide a strong foundation for young learners.
  • Our ECE programs focus on holistic child development, including cognitive, social, and emotional skills.
  • We train local women as ECE educators, creating employment opportunities within communities.

Through these initiatives, we’re working to close the education gap and create a more equitable future for Somalia.

Join us in our mission to create a Somalia where every woman and child is safeguarded and empowered.