Galkayo Education Center

Our Work

GECPD's impact spans across two states in Somalia:

  • At GECPD, we believe that education is the cornerstone of empowerment and societal progress. Our education development programs focus on three critical areas:

    1. Promoting increased g Girls’ Enrollment and Retention rates in Formal Education Programs:
    • We run dedicated schools for girls, providing a safe and supportive learning environment.
    • Our programs address barriers to education such as early marriage, , gender stereotypes and cultural biases including management of the maturation process and menstruation.
    • We engage with communities to promote the value of girls’ education.


    1. Promoting Non-Formal Education for Women and Girls:
    • We offer second-chance education opportunities for women who missed out on an earlier opportunity for formal schooling.
    • We offer Adult Literacy programs to impart functional literacy to women who missed an opportunity for education earlier in life.
    • Our curriculum combines basic literacy and numeracy with life skills and rights awareness.
    • Classes are flexible to mitigate the opportunity cost of the women and girls attending education programs.


    1. Early Childhood Education (ECE):
    • We’ve established ECE centres to provide a strong foundation for young learners.
    • Our ECE programs focus on holistic child development, including cognitive, social, and emotional skills.
    • We train local women as ECE educators, creating employment opportunities within communities.
    Through these initiatives, we’re working to close the education gap and create a more equitable future for Somalia
  • GECPD’s economic self-reliance programs aim to break the cycle of poverty and dependency by equipping women and youth with the skills and resources they need to thrive economically. Our approach includes:

    1. Technical and Vocational Education and Training:
    • We offer a range of vocational courses tailored to local market needs, including Tailoring and Garment Making; Hair Dressing and Beautification; Catering and Hospitality Management; Carpentry and Joinery; Welding and Metal Fabrication; Electrical Installation and Wiring; .
    • Our training programs include Entrepreneurship and Business Management Skills modules to support women and youth engaged in Business.


    1. Employment Facilitation:
    • We partner with local businesses to create internship and job placement opportunities for our graduates.
    • Our career counselling services help trainees identify and pursue suitable employment options.
    • Conduct market studies to identify market skill needs which inform our course content hence enhancing the employability of our TVET graduates.


    1. Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) Programs:
    • We train rural communities in sustainable farming techniques that are resilient to climate change.
    • Through our CSA demonstration plots, we have developed resilience by teaching communities water conservation techniques, drought-resistant crops, and soil management.


    1. Access to Business Capital:
    • Through partnerships, we have enhanced access to business grants, and investment capital to women and youth entrepreneurs.
    • Our business incubation services support women and youth in developing and implementing business plans.

    Through these programs, we’re not just creating individual success stories, but building a more robust and inclusive economy for Somalia.

GECPD is committed to creating a more inclusive and equal society for all Somalis, with a particular focus on women, girls, and marginalized groups. Our work in this area encompasses:

  1. Social Protection:
  • We run awareness campaigns on GBV, including health risks and human rights violations associated with Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and other negative social norms.
  • Our safe shelters provide protection and support services for survivors of gender-based violence and those at risk.
  • We offer Psychosocial support and counselling services through the healing process for survivors of human rights violations.
  1. Civic and Human Rights:
  • We advocate for policies that protect and promote women’s rights at local and national levels.
  • Our programs encourage and facilitate women’s participation in political processes and decision-making.
  • We conduct community education on human rights, focusing on women’s and children’s rights.
  1. Capacity Building:
  • We provide training to local authorities, community leaders, and other stakeholders on gender-sensitive approaches and rights-based development.
  • Our programs strengthen local women and youth organizations to effectively advocate for their rights and participate in key community decision making processes and development..
  1. Youth Empowerment:
  • We run leadership development programs for young women and men.
  • Our youth centers provide spaces for skills development, mentorship, and recreational activities.
  • We support youth-led initiatives that address community challenges.

Through these multi-faceted approaches, we’re working to create a Somalia where every individual’s rights are respected and protected.

In a region prone to natural disasters and conflicts, GECPD plays a crucial role in emergency response and building community resilience. Our work in this area includes:

  1. Disaster Preparedness:
  • We conduct community-based disaster risk assessments and develop local emergency response plans.
  • Our training programs equip communities with skills in first aid, evacuation procedures, and early warning systems.
  1. Emergency Assistance:
  • During crises such as droughts or floods, we provide immediate relief including food, water, and temporary shelter.
  • Our mobile health teams offer emergency medical services in affected areas.
  1. Climate Change Awareness:
  • We run education programs on climate change causes, impacts, and mitigation strategies.
  • Our environmental conservation initiatives include tree planting and waste management projects.
  1. Rebuilding and Recovery:
  • Post-disaster, we support communities in rebuilding infrastructure and livelihoods.
  • Our psychosocial support programs help individuals and communities recover from trauma.

Through our emergency response work, we aim to not only provide immediate relief but also build long-term resilience in Somali communities.

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