Galkayo Education Center

Lighting up Tuulo Farhan IDPs Settlement


The up-surging number of IDPs and the IDPs settlements is overwhelming. The prolonged drought has complicated the matrix in terms of operation and budgeting. However, GECPD is committed to the betterment of humanity especially in the IDPs settlements within the larger Mudug region in Somalia. Lighting has remained a challenge in the IDPs settlements that we’ve to deal with and offer a solution forthwith. That’s why on 8th. April. 2017, GECPD was at Tuulo Farhan IDPs settlement distributing solar lanterns to the IDPs.

GECPD offer sheer gratitude to the following donors for their immense support in the realization of the above program:

  • The Government of Japan
  • The European Commission (Supporting Somalia’s new deal)
  • International Organization for Migration (IOM)

A total number of 54 solar lanterns were distributed to 54 households within the Tuulo Farhan IDPs settlement Near Harfo on 18th. April. 2017

This being a power cut-off area, the demand and the need for more Solar Lanterns remain high. Our intent as GECPD is to completely light up the settlements and the entire area.



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